Richard Rushin- Mental Health Community Liaison
From the age of 5 months, Richard and his twin brother grew up in the foster care system. Between them, they experienced 47 foster placements and 18 different schools.
Richard was placed in several Special Education classrooms, including those designed for children with Severe Behavior Handicaps. At age 12, he was brought into the home of Mr. and Mrs. John West, whom he still considers to be his parents.
When they were seniors at GlenOak High School, Richard and his brother spoke of their experiences in “the system” as an English project. They prepared a Powerpoint presentation which eventually was published as a booklet entitled, “Things Teachers Can Do When a Kid is on a Downstrike.” Richard and Ricco were the recipients of the Rising Up and Moving On Award in 2010, for their achievements as youth in the foster care system.
In June, 2010 Richard told his story as a Keynote speaker at the Reclaiming
Youth International Conference in Rapid City, South Dakota. He has spoken to numerous gatherings of foster youth, educators and case workers, throughout Ohio.
Richard is employed by Canton Harbor High School as a mental health liasion. He works as a Goal Specialist with high school students with backgrounds similar to his own. He is pursuing a degree in social work, using his own life experiences to positively influence children and families. Richard advises children whose situations are like his, “Don’t ever give up. Keep your dreams alive. Keep hope in your heart.”